Chain maintenance


How often do you oil your chain and what type of oil do you use?

My rower came with a supply of oil but I have run out. Are there any cheap alternatives for chain oil? I was thinking of using sewing machine oil...
Hi, I did not even know that I have to change oil on those things ? Are they not self maintained as well. I see that sometimes in the ads?
I found at least on amazon the oil for it: Amazon Concept2 Rowing Machine Chain Oil? Not sure if that is the right one then? Hope this helps? Let me know.

I ended up paying 20 dollars for the chain oil but it's a bigger bottle than the one on Amazon. I started this thread because I wondered whether I could use an oil I have lying around the house but it seems not.

Thanks for replying, though.
Your welcome, I am glad I could help you out with this. What was the product that you did buy, let us know it here. (And with us, I mean the readers here and me) so that they know a cheaper product. Always good to know a cheaper product. Thanks
I bought the Concept 2 Rowing Machine oil at a local outdoor pursuit store. The same store I bought my Concept 2 rower. I don't think it does work out cheaper because I paid almost double the price, albeit for a larger bottle.

Do you own an indoor rower?
Hi again, Yes I do have a indoor rower. Actual it is not mine, but from my wife, and she used it a lot.
Maybe I should try it ones :-)
And before you ask, it is the Concept2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machine.
And she really likes it. I was always looking at it as just another exercise machine. (Next to the tread mill, and weight lifting equipment (I use those)
Hi again, Yes I do have a indoor rower. Actual it is not mine, but from my wife, and she used it a lot.
Maybe I should try it ones :)
And before you ask, it is the Concept2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machine.
And she really likes it. I was always looking at it as just another exercise machine. (Next to the tread mill, and weight lifting equipment (I use those)

I do weight lifting as well but rowing is my favourite form of cardio. Sometimes I do high intensity training on the rower and other times I do a lower intensity/active recovery session to get the blood flowing.

So you have a rowing machine but you don't use it? What are you waiting for!
I would like to use it, but I simple do not have the time doing it. Busy with selling website's on the internet, and programming for other people :-)
So I only do the weight lifting part now, and beside that I do a lot of running. And that keeps me pretty good in shape.
I would like to use it, but I simple do not have the time doing it. Busy with selling website's on the internet, and programming for other people :)
So I only do the weight lifting part now, and beside that I do a lot of running. And that keeps me pretty good in shape.

You do a lot of running and you do weight training so you do have time for exercise, everyone has time for exercise. You could replace the running with rowing. Running can takes its toll on the joints, replacing a few running workouts with rowing would benefit your body.
You do a lot of running and you do weight training so you do have time for exercise, everyone has time for exercise. You could replace the running with rowing. Running can takes its toll on the joints, replacing a few running workouts with rowing would benefit your body.
But you forget a small detail in this. I like running more then doing indoor rowing with a exercise machine. I love to be outside. And most people who are telling that running is bad for your joints have never done some running, because if they did, they would know that you have to build it up, to get no problems with your joints.
But you forget a small detail in this. I like running more then doing indoor rowing with a exercise machine. I love to be outside. And most people who are telling that running is bad for your joints have never done some running, because if they did, they would know that you have to build it up, to get no problems with your joints.

I can assure you I am an experienced runner. I was a cross-country champion in my teenage years and I have run the London marathon twice. Running will take its toll on the joints, running long distances is actually not good for you because it raises cortisol, causes oxidative damage and inflammation etc.
I think that whatever kind of sport you do, you can always damage your body by overdoing it. I love to run, and have no problem with it. Just prefer doing that as an outdoor sport. Instead of doing indoor rowing. :-)
I think that whatever kind of sport you do, you can always damage your body by overdoing it. I love to run, and have no problem with it. Just prefer doing that as an outdoor sport. Instead of doing indoor rowing. :)

Yeah, I prefer exercising outside, it is a much more enjoyable experience but in the winter it can be too cold to exercise outside. I would rather stay in my warm house and use my rower than freeze on the icy roads.
How long does it take to do maintenance yourself? I have never done it so now that I am planning to buy a rowing machine for my home use, I need to know what kind of time and money I have to spend on maintenance activities. If you can provide a link to a website that offers clear instructions, I'll really appreciate.
How long does it take to do maintenance yourself? I have never done it so now that I am planning to buy a rowing machine for my home use, I need to know what kind of time and money I have to spend on maintenance activities. If you can provide a link to a website that offers clear instructions, I'll really appreciate.

It only takes a few minutes to oil the chain. You need to make sure your chain is well lubricated if you use your rower often. I oil my chain once a month and I clean it once a week. I use a clean cloth to oil the chain.