Good starter machine?

Shawn Gossman

New Member
What is a good starter rowing machine for a newbie? I don't want to spend a fortune but I don't want something that will not last very long as well.
What is a good starter rowing machine for a newbie? I don't want to spend a fortune but I don't want something that will not last very long as well.
Hi Shawn, I recommend the Concept2 ergometer. It is expensive, but almost indestructible and they have great support. We found one for $500 on craigslist. I think they are worth the cost.
Thank you for the suggestion :) I will have to look that one up for sure. That is about the price range I would want to be in, too!
I started with a very inexpensive one just because I want to be SURE I actually put in the time
before making a major investment. If I can do that, I'm also planning to upgrade to a concept2.
I'm also interested in buying a rowing machine. I'm very much into this as a hobby right now and want to be able to get as good as possible at it. Like Shawn Grossman, I'm not looking to spend a ton of money at this point, so I'm probably going to look into the Concept 2 as well.
I just picked up a water rower of craigslist ~ 750 barely used. it's very nice. I rowed crew in college and did all my training on a concept2.