Heal power


This is a technique which is often ignored by rowers - driving from the heals. Driving from the heals will generate more power. You can test yourself by timing yourself when using the balls of your feet and comparing it to your heel drive time.

Do you use your heels to drive or is the weight on the balls of your feet?
I use heels for driving as well. My trainer taught me about this technique and I have been using it since then. Another advantage of using heels is that the chances of injury are less when compared with the balls of the feet. After started using this technique, I really feel that I am able to generate more power while using same amount of effort.
I use heels for driving as well. My trainer taught me about this technique and I have been using it since then. Another advantage of using heels is that the chances of injury are less when compared with the balls of the feet. After started using this technique, I really feel that I am able to generate more power while using same amount of effort.

You make a good point about the risk of injury. Pushing from the heels is better for the knees. Rowing is quite harsh on the knee joint and poor form will increase the stress on the knee even more. Using your heals will lower the pressure on your knees and improve performance.
Well I think that this is just one of those things that you come to learn with time. I have been told this a lot, and despite having practiced it I still need a little instruction on what to do. More power is certainly nice but it is also a little less demanding overall on the lower body, which I find helps a lot in my overall level of work that goes into it. Good to keep in mind, and thanks for sharing.