Recreational rowing, rough water - video

I might be brave enough in rough water with a "real" boat, but not in this kayak. What is your boat made out of Don? Any why aren't you wearing a life-jacket:rolleyes:

Had a guy down here on the Oregon Coast go in a sea-kayak about 2 Summers ago, and believe it or not, the guy was wearing hip waders. "But I was just in easy water" he says, yeah right. Well, you guessed it, he fell in, and if it hadn't been for 2 kayakers passing by, he'd be dead.

Not saying anything about you and no life-jacket, I'm sure you have it together, know what you are doing. He didn't.
What is your boat made out of Don? Any why aren't you wearing a life-jacket:rolleyes:
My Thames Rowing Skiff is lapstrake construction built from planks of Lloyds 4mm 1088 Okume plywood. The planks and ribs are bonded together with the WEST epoxy system.
The boat is well constructed and has survived 850 miles of my rowing without showing any signs of wear.

I'm not wearing my life jacket because it is on the floor behind where I am sitting. I also have a flotation cushion on the floor in front of me.
If you look carefully, you can see the lifejacket on the floor in the photo below.
My Thames Rowing Skiff is lapstrake construction built from planks of Lloyds 4mm 1088 Okume plywood. The planks and ribs are bonded together with the WEST epoxy system.
The boat is well constructed and has survived 850 miles of my rowing without showing any signs of wear.

I'm not wearing my life jacket because it is on the floor behind where I am sitting. I also have a flotation cushion on the floor in front of me.
If you look carefully, you can see the lifejacket on the floor in the photo below.
Ok, well, I wished I could say "oh yes, i know that type of boat construction" LOL, but I'll just say, if it's stood up to you rowing it 850 miles, I gotta get me one of those;)

Just one question, what if one of those flying-fish come by and knock you out of the boat, your life-jacket needs to be on to actually work right, LOL:) Jus jerkin your chain Don;) Geesh, we need to have some fun around here. Did you like my story about the bozo in his hip-waders? On a scale of 1-10, how stupid was that:) denise
Ok, well, I wished I could say "oh yes, i know that type of boat construction" LOL, but I'll just say, if it's stood up to you rowing it 850 miles, I gotta get me one of those;)
Mr. Kirwin would be most happy to build you a wooden boat like mine. He also builds wooden kayaks and canoes. That's his hobby (amateur wooden boat building) since he retired from professional cabinet maker.
PM me and I'll give you all the details to start a consignment build of yet another wooden boat that is a prize winner!
No kidding. My boat has won 3 prizes for "First in Class". Once while Kirwin owned it, and 2 after he sold it to me.
The Madisonville Wooden Boat Festival (Oct. 2013) was my last winning experience.

Sad to report that the prizes are for "show", not for "row". That bothers me. I want a contest of speed. :cool:
After winning the "show" prize, I launched my boat and took a "victory lap" up and down the Techfuncte River.
There are a lot of "trailer queens" at these wooden boat shows.

If you are not a wooden boat person, it's probably better to stay with modern hull materials like fiberglass or carbon fiber. Less maintenance.