Me too. It doesn't me very long to row the ten miles. I would love to go somewhere where I can just row for hours on end. If I had to pay attention because I was in danger of getting lost in the dark eventually, that would be an amazing experience.Makes me think I am missing out on something. I wish I had had the opportunity to row down some river for hours on end like you all.
Me too. It doesn't me very long to row the ten miles. I would love to go somewhere where I can just row for hours on end. If I had to pay attention because I was in danger of getting lost in the dark eventually, that would be an amazing experience.
When I was on a holiday in Norway we rented a kayak for the weekend. We did in total that weekend about 20 miles. So about 10 miles a day.
And still remember that I loved it
I agree, it is a great place to be there. I have never been in Norway in the winter. Only in the summer. I have been in a place called Fredrikstad, but have been in many other places as well. Spend about 10 summers in Sweden, and from there we went to Norway a lot. So have seen many places in that area.
So you did go there only as a kid, or did you go also as an adult? I have been many times there as an adult. And I really like Norway. I almost was moving there ... but we canceled it for personal reasons ....