My family prefers "no boats".
My friends prefer powerboats (like I wrote in my reply above). One of them came over last week in his 770 hp Eliminator. He ran out of gas on the way home. How sad for him. No oars to row home.
I suppose I could change family and friends.
I agree. It would be nice to have a rowing companion.
And the most serious rowing competition I would enter into is "Last one back to the dock has to buy a round of beers."
I row because it keeps me fit and also allows me to escape from the stress of day to day life. According to me, there is no better way to destress than to row alone and focus just on rowing. A lot of times, I row far away from shore and enjoy the serene surroundings to revitalize myself.
Canon Vixia HF G10What kind of camera are you using, Don?