Why do you row?


I started rowing because I like interacting with the water and I enjoy the exercise. Rowing is now part of my lifestyle and many of my friends are from rowing, I row for social activity and the exercise.

Why do you row? Do you row for the competition or just for fun?
I love to be out on the water. It is good exercise and a good opportunity to "get away from it all". (Get away from all the problems on land.)

There is no competition in my rowing agenda. It would be nice to have rowing companions, but this is Texas, the land of 80 mph bass boats and high speed PWC's. Rowboats are unheard of here on Lake Livingston. :(
Rowing activity can be found 150 miles to the south where there is actually a rowing club on Clear Lake in Kemah, TX. But that's a long way for me to go for a row. (Think of the "carbon footprint".)

I go out for a row on the lake about 4 times per week.

Here is a link to a video of my recent rowing experience.

The following video is from one of my favorite rowing adventures.

Bring your rowboat and let's go for a row! :)
Can you not row with any family members or friends? I enjoy rowing on my own but it's also nice to have a companion. I think I'm getting too old for competing, I prefer to relax and enjoy the row nowadays.
My family prefers "no boats".

My friends prefer powerboats (like I wrote in my reply above). One of them came over last week in his 770 hp Eliminator. He ran out of gas on the way home. How sad for him. No oars to row home.

I suppose I could change family and friends. :)

I agree. It would be nice to have a rowing companion.

And the most serious rowing competition I would enter into is "Last one back to the dock has to buy a round of beers."
My family prefers "no boats".

My friends prefer powerboats (like I wrote in my reply above). One of them came over last week in his 770 hp Eliminator. He ran out of gas on the way home. How sad for him. No oars to row home.

I suppose I could change family and friends. :)

I agree. It would be nice to have a rowing companion.

And the most serious rowing competition I would enter into is "Last one back to the dock has to buy a round of beers."

I rowed competitively at county level when I was younger. I enjoyed the sense of achievement when competing but I was very nervous before the race. I couldn't sleep the night before a race because I would go over it in my head.
I row because it keeps me fit and also allows me to escape from the stress of day to day life. According to me, there is no better way to destress than to row alone and focus just on rowing. A lot of times, I row far away from shore and enjoy the serene surroundings to revitalize myself.
I row because it keeps me fit and also allows me to escape from the stress of day to day life. According to me, there is no better way to destress than to row alone and focus just on rowing. A lot of times, I row far away from shore and enjoy the serene surroundings to revitalize myself.

I would have to agree with that. There is something very relaxing about rowing on your lonesome. I enjoy rowing with friends but I also love rowing alone, it is almost like a form of meditation for me, with the sound of the water etc.
I would row for the fitness aspects of it and keeping my upper body worked out. I am a cyclist first and by passion but that doesn't do much for me above the waste :P
I row for conditioning work. Next to weighted training and conditioning, rowing is the most exhausting full body exercise.