New to rowing


Never rowed before but I'm looking to get started because I hope to join a collegiate team particularly at the Naval Academy. So, is there any tips to get started? Any particular training? I got an email from the Navy Rowing team today and I have to answer a questionnaire but I don't think I'm going to do that yet as it asks for swim times and I've never done that before. So, any tips? Also, where are places to row at?
I'm not really sure about places where you can row at since I'm not sure of your location but as a newcomer to rowing you definately should buy yourself a rowing machine for a start, you can get them for relatively cheap used if your on a budget and they will really help you build a strong base and get you used to the rowing movement before you enter open water. As for the Naval Academy you need to find a local rowing club where you can practice and train and make sure you reach a high standard before you apply or else you'll fall flat, or should I say sink.
Yea, I have about a year and a half. What are competitive times for rowing on water? And what exercises will help prepare me before I get a machine or start rowing. I'm also in Tennessee if that helps you any.
Oh ok that's cool, you should have some good cardio and endurance already. That's always a good base for rowing!

You should get into some indoor rowing on a machine too. I do around 4kms a day and find that helps too.
Well, I wouldn't like to spend more than $1000 on it. But, if they are more than that then I don't mind spending money on a quality one.
Concept2 has some really good rowing machines, I'm not sure how they stack up price wise to the competition but they are the main brand that gets thrown around both online and in the real world.
I'll look into those. I just did a quick google search of rowing machines and I guess $1000 is a very high price when it comes to rowing machines. I didn't see any that were over $500.
I'll look into those. I just did a quick google search of rowing machines and I guess $1000 is a very high price when it comes to rowing machines. I didn't see any that were over $500.
I said in a different thread that it might be worth checking the used market for ergo's since a lot of gyms and fitness clubs have a higher turnover with equipment like this compared to weights machines.
Like previously suggested, you should buy an erg. That's really the best way to get used to the motion and develop the muscles required for rowing. They're also extremely difficult for beginners as I found out early :P