Would like to know more about it?


New Member
I have seen rowing on TV. I am kind of interested in rowing as a form of exercise for myself. Can anyone give me any tips? Should I see a trainer at a local gym? What body parts does it strengthen the most?
Rowing is a sport that utilizes large muscle groups in both your lower and upper body, I'm not a professional and I actually practice indoor rowing, but I love watching events on water!
I have seen rowing on TV. I am kind of interested in rowing as a form of exercise for myself. Can anyone give me any tips? Should I see a trainer at a local gym? What body parts does it strengthen the most?
Rowing uses the entire body and rowers have the highest METS scores, meaning oxygen uptake. Rowing and cross country skiing are the two exercises that burn the most calories per hour.
yeah i would like to try this but i think i need to exercise first before doing this sport! We need to use our leg power although i know how to use skating, but playing rowing in the water is hard...
You definitely want to be in pretty good shape before doing outdoor rowing, but getting started with indoor rowing is pretty easy. Just do some sort sets to begin so you don't put too much strain on your joints and muscles.
Can I just start rowing? Or do I need to consult a doctor first? I just started rowing casually for about a week now.
I would also like to know more about this. We have a river by our home and I see a lot of people kayaking and stuff, and know how to do these things. There are machines at the gym and I think that it would be great for me to get into.
Well... rowing machines are a great way to train your legs and to build up muscle. :) Like eweaver15 said, getting started in rowing indoors is very easy - you just need to find an erg, or ergometer (aka rowing machine) to get started. Most people like to use it in gyms, because it is great for keeping a fit bum and burning your legs. :)

@iarvee: Sure, you can just start rowing, there is no need to consult a doctor. It's great that you have started for one week already. Do you swim on water or use the machines in gyms? I can give you tips for both on how to get the most out of your training.

@tbkwritiers: You are soooo lucky!!! I have to wake up a 4 in the morning just to get to the nearest river and 5 to row!!! If I was you I would row every single day and get to use the river!!! Try renting a boat or something and try it out, and if you like it then join a rowing club near you. I can guarantee that you will enjoy it.
To me, rowing is my passion. :P And I enjoy every single second of it.
Rowing is a full body exercise, your lower and upper body are worked equally and it places high demands on your cardiovascular system. Rowing is excellent for building aerobic fitness and muscular endurance. If you try rowing for the first time, our whole body will ache a day later but it is fun and the endorphins will be flowing.
Rowing is a full body exercise, your lower and upper body are worked equally and it places high demands on your cardiovascular system. Rowing is excellent for building aerobic fitness and muscular endurance. If you try rowing for the first time, our whole body will ache a day later but it is fun and the endorphins will be flowing.

And if you train for rowing 3 times a week then your body will ache for days on end in the first months, but it will get better and you will be able to feel the benefits of rowing for yourself. :) Trust me. It's worth it!!!

Though I'm not sure about the body being worked equally in rowing... I though 70% of the energy you create to push through the water comes from the legs?
Yes, this muscle soreness is known as DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), eventually your body will adapt to the stresses of rowing and you will not feel DOMS after training, unless the exercise is particularly brutal.
I agree! Rowing is a total body workout. That's what I liked in this sport, aside from the discipline that you'll acquire. It strengthens the lower and upper body. I only tried it once but I am also looking forward to trying it again. I am researching and learning more about it in the meantime.
I agree! Rowing is a total body workout. That's what I liked in this sport, aside from the discipline that you'll acquire. It strengthens the lower and upper body. I only tried it once but I am also looking forward to trying it again. I am researching and learning more about it in the meantime.

Definitely. :) Discipline is one of the main things I like about rowing. It is not about your how you compare with others but pushing yourself to the limit, and then breaking that limit. It is all about personal best and motivating yourself to achieve that.

The rewards far far outweigh the benefits. :)
Another good thing about it is that you get to develop working in a team. There is respect and harmony. Everyone should blend well in order to move. Amazing!