apostolis laz
New Member
this is a site about rowing in greece.... www.tokoupi.gr
Thanks for sharing that information. I'll check out the links you've provided!Sorry for the delayed answer.
Rowing in Greece consists moslty club athlets, who are rowing for national and international games.
There are few rowers in Greece that row for leisure.
The main "rowing" cities in Greece are Ioannina and Kastoria. Two cities with beautiful lakes.
Another place where rowing flourishes is in Loudias river
Big Rowing Clubs with history exists also on Volos, Thessaloniki and Athens/Pereus where athletes row mostly in sea.
At Athens exists the only clear rowing venue in Greece the Olympic Rowing Facilities at Schinias
For more details, most of the Greek Rowing Venues can be seen on
Sorry for any inconvinience, this section of the page is not completed.
I am working these days to update any information for all International and Greek rowing venues.
Thank you for your interest.
There are many places that you can row. With any kind of boot. Check out the website in Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Germany and you will find a lot of nice places ... Lets post some here !this is a site about rowing in greece.... www.tokoupi.gr
If you like Norway, then you should also visit Sweden, because it is near bye and beautiful in the summer.
I feel sorry for the people of Greece who are facing such dire economic conditions. I know the topic is about rowing in Greece but when you have so many worries in life, rowing would be the furthest thing from your mind. On a positive note, it's great to see that Greece has such a mature rowing culture.